DOC Institute is proud to announce new a
partnership with Seed&Spark.
We’re pleased to announce that we have a new partnership with Seed&Spark, a crowdfunding platform with the lowest fees, the highest campaign success rate in the world (80%), and a track record of setting filmmakers on a path to success. Crowdfunding is not a stop-gap funding measure; it’s a tool in your professional arsenal to take control of your career. We’re now able to offer 1:1 mentoring with their crowdfunding specialists, and we encourage you to sign up here — we think you have a bright future ahead of you, and crowdfunding could be one of the paths there.
Seed&Spark is where creators and audiences work together to tell stories that celebrate diverse voices and foster vibrant conversation.
170,712 fans have contributed over $26 million to help creators make 2,072 new movies and shows through Seed&Spark. With the highest crowdfunding success rate in the world for movies and shows and loads of free resources, tools and education, Seed&Spark exists to help pioneering storytellers take control of their creative careers.
Seed&Spark hosts more than 100 live events every year because they believe that connection deepens our ability to both learn and relate to different perspectives.
From educational events that teach the tools of creative sustainability to screenings and live performances, Seed&Spark has events for everyone who is simply (and powerfully) interested in being inspired to deeper connection and greater action through the arts. DOC Institute is thrilled to be partnering with Seed&Spark and we are excited to bring future programming to our audiences.
“As a DOC member, you get a 30-minute consultation with one of our crowdfunding specialists (all working filmmakers themselves!) to help you strategize your campaign, start building your audience and leverage your launch as a part of a larger fundraising and audience-building strategy. Click here to get access to that.”
Click here for DOC Institute’s curated Seed&Spark crowdfunding page.