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The DOC Institute Savvy Producer Series is back! Join DOC Institute for a three-part workshop series on how to fund your documentary project

The DOC Institute Savvy Producer Series is back! With a focus on fundraising for your documentary projects, we will be offering workshops that focus on the deep dive of three key areas of film funding that are essential to financing your project in Canada. Topics will range from arts councils, Canada Media Fund & Telefilm, and how to finance web series digital content. Participants will learn about some of the issues that producers encounter, as well as solutions to fitting the pieces together.

This program is a great refresher for new and emerging filmmakers looking to review some producing basics, and individuals transitioning into the documentary industry. This series will be led by arts educator Chanda Chevannes in a webinar format followed by a Q&A period.


WORKSHOP 1: Understanding the Arts Councils

April 12 • 6:30-9:30pm EDT

Arts councils offer essential funds for creative documentary filmmakers. Sometimes considered an alternative form of funding (in comparison to the broadcast funding model), the councils provide opportunities for filmmakers to explore their artistic practice with independence and creative freedom. Join us as we do a deep dive into the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council, to better understand the funding opportunities offered by each council.

WORKSHOP 2: Understanding the Canadian Media Fund & Telefilm

April 19 • 6:30-9:30pm EDT

The Canada Media Fund (CMF) and Telefilm are two key institutions in the Canadian film and television financing landscape. The CMF offers funding for television and web-based content, while Telefilm provides funding for theatrical feature films. Join us as we introduce you to these two significant sources of financing, demystifying their documentary funding programs along the way.

WORKSHOP 3: Understanding Financing for Web Series

April 26 • 6:30-9:30pm EDT

Emerging filmmakers are increasingly honing their craft through the creation of web series. But for many documentary filmmakers, there continues to be a lot of mystery surrounding how web series are financed. Join us as we explore the various sources of funding for documentary web series in Canada.


Registration is $25 (+HST) for individual workshops. Registration for each workshop is open until their respective start times.

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